Software development for banking payment systems based on plastic cards is one of core expertise for more than 20 years. Initially “ARGUS” was engaged in the development of local payment systems for commercial banks. When the national payment system was created under the lead of the National Bank of Ukraine, “ARGUS” takes an active part in the project.
National System of Mass Electronic Payments (NSMEP) is based on smart cards technology and
specifications of National bank of Ukraine. The operation system of the chip also provides the ability to connect additional applications (bonus, club, social, insurance, etc.).
For all time of maintenance of NSMEP any froud have not been detected. The multi-level security system of the payment card, including cryptographic protection, makes it a hacking almost impossible.
Our specialists have developed a wide range of products needed for a bank-member of the NSMEP.
There are such products as:
Automated Card System (ACS “ARGUS”) is a Banking Processing Center software designed under a Contract with the National Bank of Ukraine to support the operation of commercial banks in the NSMEP.
ACS “ARGUS” complies with all National Bank of Ukraine requirements to the software of a NSMEP member bank and is designed to ensure the following features provided by the NSMEP technology:
- payment cards emission and acquiring;
- data processing related to operations with payment cards;
- support of operation of tellers, POS-terminals and ATMs;
- data exchange with core banking system;
- data exchange with payment system processing centers.
ACS “ARGUS” has a broad functionality and is a flexible tool for development of payment cards business in a bank.
For a multi-branch bank, a “Delegation of rights” software package is provided. This package allows to minimize the costs of using without any loss of functionality. The software package allows branches or affiliated system participants to issue and acquiesce NSMEP cards without joining the NSMEP system and not installing separate card system in every branch.
The program complex “Scheduler” – is designed to ensure optimal operation of the equipment, support the uninterrupted functioning of the system. In case of failure or increased loading of the system nodes, the PC “Scheduler” automatically redirects the data streams to the backup nodes. It also ensures monitoring of the operation of of the system elements and promptly informing responsible persons.
The program complex “Additional payment units” allows banks to build loyalty programs in cooperation with retailers based on cards with prepaid units of goods (gas stations, taxi services, discount programs in supermarkets, etc.).
The program complex “VIP-news” allows the bank to provide customers with a variety of information via SMS-messages or e-mail, as well as promptly inform the bank’s employees about occurrence of abnormal situations.
Products for acquiring
To organize banking acquiring network, the following software products were developed:
PC terminal “ARGUS” is a simple solution for bank cash desks or retailers based on personal computer workplaces. The solution is economic and ensures the performance of all operations provided in National payment system (NSMEP).
Universal microprocessor terminal “ARGUS” is developed for VeriFone POS-terminals. It can be used both in retailer network and in the bank. Designed for the effective use of all modern communication capabilities.
Internet terminal “ITAR” software – is designed for payment for goods and services via the Internet network using NSMEP payment cards. It is possible to read information from the card, change the PIN code, etc. Payments are fully protected from fraud, operations are performed in real time. To use the SW, you need a simple card reader and free software of the client side of the Internet terminal. Client-side SW can be used in both off-line and on-line mode.
All terminals SW supports the data communication protocol for connect to trading programs, which allows to achieve maximum efficiency in servicing of retailers.
The ATM software “ARGUS” for NSMEP is based on Diebold and NCR ATMs equipment. It is a reliable solution for servicing NSMEP cash operations.